Saturday, December 30, 2006
Bringing in the New Year

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
the afterglow
Best bits...watching my nearest and dearest opening their pressies on Christmas morning, everyone mucking in to help with the Christmas meal, Christmas Radio 4 for the talk, Classic FM for the carols and Radio 1 for the nonsense, timing 'the big shop' just right (this year was my quietest ever -and did I feel smug- you bet I did) friends joining us on Christmas Day for lunch, the Christmas 'liturgy' we used throughout the meal (thanks Steve) and waking up on Boxing day knowing it was all over again..
Worst bits...spending money again and again and again, realising some of the carols I have sung for years and years actually make no sense at all and that words have been selected purely because they rhyme("christian children all should beeee, mild, obediant good as heeee, when like stars His children crowned, All in white shall wait around." - how dull ) and regretting that yet again I've not spent enough time reflecting on the time splitting events of God Incarnate.
So my little blogging friends...what were the hits and misses for you?
(sorry the page looks a bit dodgy at the mo but struggling to get the different bits to move around)
not dead just sleeping
Monday, December 04, 2006
searching for meaning

Saturday, December 02, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Proud to say I have never
Here's a few examples from the deluge the paper received;
I have never...
Watched or read anything with the word "celebrity" in the title, used an ipod, drunk bottled water, eaten Turkey twizzlers, pot Noodles, buffalo wings, doner kebabs, been to Disneyland,Legoland or Alton Towers, worn a baseball hat, eaten cream when custard is available, travelled on a bus, prepared a Jamie Oliver recipe, finished a DH Lawrence novel, fored a gun, seen a James Bond movie.
Now apparently it's not about us all being grunpy old men and women (even if that's probably the general reading population of the Torygraph) it's more about Britain still being a nation peopled by rebels with minds of their own.
here's my bid for membership -
I'm proud to say I have never...
been on a skiing holiday, climbed very high mountains, pickled onions, seen Les Mis, eaten cold baked beans or queued up for the latest Harry Potter book.
So what about you?
the whole truth and nothing but the truth
Chatting recently to Zoe, she passed a comment about the fact that there could be no 'absolute truths' - now I wouldn't have said we were that far apart on matters of belief, but at that moment I realised I was just a post -modernist wearing the equivalent of a funny moustache and glasses to disguise my modernity shaped view of life (and death) .....I keep trying, but those annoying little absolutes keep sneaking through. On the other hand, the post-modernists could just be absolutely wrong on the matter of truth. And just what was Jesus getting at when He described himself as 'the truth' ?
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
what's your poison?
NHS & the White House
I hope they either put him on the next flight back to Washington DC, or applied for the UK to become the 51st state!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Faith & Offence.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
red or white?
Jonathon Bartley the director of ekklesia has thrown this into the arena;
"The Christian tradition, and specifically the crucifix, have a great deal in common with the poppy. Both are linked to sacrifice. Both take a location of bloodshed and violence and make a statement

Has he got a point? I have to own up and say I've never seen wearing a red poppy as having much to do with redemption - it's more of a reminder to me - but maybe he's right in that there is a sense that NOT to wear a poppy is seen as somehow very un pc. As for a white poppy being more Christian....hmmm...
Sunday, November 05, 2006
feeling proud
The cross and the veil
Oh well, think on, and we'll thrash it out at Steve and Wendy's on Wednesday.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
We talked last night in the pub about prayer. We had a good time I think. Since I'm struggling to write anything wise or profound, here's a little bit from our favourite monk Abbot Christopher Jamieson from 'The Monastery.'
"I have never found prayer easy, but what gets easier is accepting the fact. So I worry less about technique and more about my fundamental, heartfelt attitude to God while I am praying. In simple faith, I offer myself and my community into the hands of God, with no striving after effect and without worrying too much about the distractions that inevitably come." While time is not the measure of quality in prayer, without giving the time there is ultimately no prayer. Now you will rightly say that a busy parent can pray while helping the children or walking the dog; true, but if that is the only kind of prayer , then I question whether that may not gradually become personal reflection time rather than prayer."
Monday, October 30, 2006
change or die
As a group of people with lots, some and no faith - I wonder what our reaction to the report is. Personally, I think it doesn't matter a toss what my reaction is if it doesn't make a blind bit of difference to what I do - in fifty years time my grandchildren won't care if I thought carbon emissions were worrying - they'll be wanting to know what I did about it. It seems to me it's all about the thinking and the talking being translated into action. That's where it can all get a bit 'difficult' and quietly, I'd like to cling to the idea that it's just not as bad as the experts make out and things will all be sorted out somehow. That's when I'm grateful for friends who shift up a gear and put the talk into action - they have a good effect on me and stop me getting too comfy. I'd like to be part of a community that seeks to do that for one another - not through a sense of superiority, or through pressure, but through example, encouragement and accountability. What d'you think?
And, as I drove back from work tonight, listening to the radio, I couldn't help but draw some comparisons with my reaction to the Stern report and with what we have said about the Church.(see saturday's post) The thinking and the talking is absolutely necessary and good - but at what point does it need to become action? We've had many a talk about our concerns about the need for the church to change - but maybe now is the time to take some action, take some risks and get a little bit uncomfortable before it's too late.
"The task is urgent. Delaying action, even by a decade or two, will take us into dangerous territory. We must not let this window of opportunity pass.' Sir Nicholas Stern
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Perhaps it is just the image. Would a repackaging of the product result in people flocking into the churches once more. Trendy vicars in leathers playing electric guitars? I suspect not….though it is undoubtedly true that much of the Church is as connected to contemporary culture as a cod piece. Long live Father Ted. Maybe it’s not the job of the Church to respond to changing culture anyway; it stands fast to eternal truth and the faithful remnant worship. If we pass through a cultural and spiritual “Dark Ages” every once in a millennium or so, the task of the faithful is to keep the light burning in uncomfortable times.
However what if the Church has been caught in a modernist time warp and that the claim to have “Truth” all sown up and neatly packaged in pew sized bites now appears not only arrogant but also unbelievable? What if the Church is seen by some to be the very last place to come to for a sense of spiritual connection? What if the “institutional-ness” of the Church is the barrier? What if the language of Church is no longer culturally passed on and we enter the brave new world of Post Christendom?
Too many questions. It’s time for a pint of real cider. See you there.
what's in a name?
So I thought I'd better explain where the name 'Third Space' comes from - hopefully no one out there is feeling queasy at the mention of it because it has triggered some hideous bad memory (doc: "dear, dear this means we'll have to very painfully and very slowly remove your third space.")
Like all the best names, it's stolen - from michael frost - who has written a book called "exiles - living missionally in a post christian culture." (when I've upped my blogging skills I'll be able to link you to his book but that's a bit beyond me at the moment) He suggests that christians need to get out of their churches, and out of their homes into 'third places'- places where people meet, relax, relate - the pub, cafe, gym etc and this seems exactly what we're trying to do with our group.
So there you have it - Third Space - hope you like it - at least it's not Daniel or Shane or Listeria...
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Do we shake hands? (very British) kiss? (far too familiar) kiss on both cheeks? (far too 'luvey') -ask, 'what do you do?' - (so predictable) ...it's all a bit of a dilemma. And then, once we've got past the introductions, there's the worry of 'what do we actually talk about?" - will we be able to keep the conversation going ?- or will there be those difficult silences?
So deep breath, let's get on with it. Allow me to introduce the blogging (and bloggers) of 'Third Space' (cue fanfare.) I only have one tiny sneaking worry that this might be the equivalent of being introduced to the most boring person at the party who talks a lot but has absolutelt zilch to say. Let's try to think positive and see it more as getting to know the apparently introverted shy, standing in the kitchen, eating the peanuts nervously party goer, who appears on first impressions to be hard work, but actually turns out to be the most fascinating, well-informed, passionate person you've ever met. (well, there's nothing like being aspirational)