Saturday, October 28, 2006

what's in a name?

Names are important aren't they? - You've only got to talk to teachers and watch their faces when you mention certain names- (for me it's Daniel - angelic looking but had the ability to destroy in a matter of seconds any thoughts or plans to teach him anything...)
So I thought I'd better explain where the name 'Third Space' comes from - hopefully no one out there is feeling queasy at the mention of it because it has triggered some hideous bad memory (doc: "dear, dear this means we'll have to very painfully and very slowly remove your third space.")
Like all the best names, it's stolen - from michael frost - who has written a book called "exiles - living missionally in a post christian culture." (when I've upped my blogging skills I'll be able to link you to his book but that's a bit beyond me at the moment) He suggests that christians need to get out of their churches, and out of their homes into 'third places'- places where people meet, relax, relate - the pub, cafe, gym etc and this seems exactly what we're trying to do with our group.
So there you have it - Third Space - hope you like it - at least it's not Daniel or Shane or Listeria...


Anonymous said...

Testing,testing 1,2,3.

Anonymous said...

Would you be so kind as to explain your problems with some of the names mentioned...especially Listeria. I had a very generous aunt called Listeria and I intend to name my as yet unborn child after her. I find your prejudice unexpected and somewhat shocking. Otherwise I am enjoying Third Space.Gouty of Hertford Heath.