Saturday, December 30, 2006

Bringing in the New Year

Off down to London to bring in the New Year with a good buddy. Aiming to go to Somerset House to watch (not participate in - too chicken) the skating and then onto somewhere near the London Eye to watch the fireworks. We'll wave to you all from the telly. (PSL will have to be careful of complete and utter strangers slightly worse for wear, wanting to snog him - just like sharing the peace at HTB)
Whatever you're doing, have a really good one and see you all in 2007 - I wonder what it holds for us, emerging or not?

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

the afterglow

So how was it for you?
Best bits...watching my nearest and dearest opening their pressies on Christmas morning, everyone mucking in to help with the Christmas meal, Christmas Radio 4 for the talk, Classic FM for the carols and Radio 1 for the nonsense, timing 'the big shop' just right (this year was my quietest ever -and did I feel smug- you bet I did) friends joining us on Christmas Day for lunch, the Christmas 'liturgy' we used throughout the meal (thanks Steve) and waking up on Boxing day knowing it was all over again..
Worst bits...spending money again and again and again, realising some of the carols I have sung for years and years actually make no sense at all and that words have been selected purely because they rhyme("christian children all should beeee, mild, obediant good as heeee, when like stars His children crowned, All in white shall wait around." - how dull ) and regretting that yet again I've not spent enough time reflecting on the time splitting events of God Incarnate.
So my little blogging friends...what were the hits and misses for you?


In an attempt to make this blog a bit more useful I've put in some links to other sites and blogs that you might want to take a look at. As there are zillions of the things all floating around on the blogosphere, I realise this is just scratching the surface. Let me know if you've found some good ones and I'll add them on - but I'm drawing the line at the Formula 1 website - sorry PSL!
(sorry the page looks a bit dodgy at the mo but struggling to get the different bits to move around)

not dead just sleeping

Have been officially what is known in blogger-speak as 'dormant.' In other words- nowts been going on in the posting department. Ironic really since life has been anything but dormant. Will try to do better in the coming weeks. Look out for a flurry of deeply meaningful and deeply meaningless outpourings.

Monday, December 04, 2006

searching for meaning

Went on the hunt for Christmas cards today. Once I'd discounted the meaningless robins and snowmen, the 'winterfall' scenes of snow and ice (which, with the ridiculous temperatures we've got at the minute should soon be a dim and distant memory anyway), the fairies, goblins, brussel sprouts, puddings, trees and yet more snowmen - I was left with the sickly sweet nativity scenes of grinning shepherds, nun-like mary's and pristine mangers, all of which seemed to say zilch about 'God-with- Us.' Maybe this picture taken by Ben Bell is more what it really was and is about. And not a bit of glitter or holly in sight.