Thursday, February 22, 2007

giving in or giving up?

I'm never very sure about lent. I like to return to my non-conformist roots and tell myself I'm above such legalistic things - trouble is I'm just kidding myself on and secretly wish i had the discipline to give up a 'something' -be it chocolate, wine, biscuits, TV. I applaud those of you who manage it.

So...thinking about this, I've decided to give up something - or rather I'm not. In an effort to do something positive, I'm giving up NOT reading the bible every day - (contain yourselves those of you who can't stand a double negative) - could be seen as a cop out in some respects, but I'm hoping that just as the alcohol free diet will do some of you a lot of good (you know who you are...) the same will be true for me - and I think that's probably at the heart of what lent is meant to be about. I'll let you know how I do. PS - a good link on jonny baker to the grace site where there's a daily lent blog.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

ditto ditto ditto

As I've been meandering around my usual blogging spots, I came across this virtual interview with someone called John at (sorry something not rigth with the hyperlink thingy) from the UK on the site.
It's quite nice to know we're not alone.....but I've absolutely no solutions for John or for those of us struggling with the same dilemmas. Quite amusing, if we somehow discovered that John was just around the corner....

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

why can't it be a bit more like this?

Came across yet another little vein of good stuff for those of us sticking our toe in the emerging church meanderings and musings. Kester Brewin now has a link to the community formerly known as 'Vaux' - they in turn have set up a new site called the Open office where they state this;
"The idea for this site is very simple: to be a tool for groups exploring a rhythm of life that has a liturgical edge to share resources." Interested?
I then came across this, which resonates with me and leaves me wondering just why we can't seem to get over ourselves and use liturgy that actually relates to our 21st Century daily lives? "We do not presume to blah de bah de blah etc etc...."