I'm never very sure about lent. I like to return to my non-conformist roots and tell myself I'm above such legalistic things - trouble is I'm just kidding myself on and secretly wish i had the discipline to give up a 'something' -be it chocolate, wine, biscuits, TV. I applaud those of you who manage it.
So...thinking about this, I've decided to give up something - or rather I'm not. In an effort to do something positive, I'm giving up NOT reading the bible every day - (contain yourselves those of you who can't stand a double negative) - could be seen as a cop out in some respects,
but I'm hoping that just as the alcohol free diet will do some of you a lot of good (you know who you are...) the same will be true for me - and I think that's probably at the heart of what lent is meant to be about. I'll let you know how I do. PS - a good link on jonny baker to the grace site where there's a daily lent blog.